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Recruitment mistakes and how to avoid them

Employing a new staff member can be extremely stressful, particularly in  today’s job market.

Only a few years ago, businesses had their choice of staff, and would know  that as soon as they placed a job advertisement, they would be inundated  with applications.

Fast forward to today and businesses need to be creative in sourcing and  securing good staff due the shortage across Australia. The last thing a  recruiter needs is to make mistakes in the hiring process and end up having to  go through the steps all over again.

There are some simple mistakes that businesses make when recruiting a new  staff member, but these can easily be avoided with the right advice. Here’s  the top mistakes commonly made in the recruitment process, and how to  avoid them.

Mistake 1: Not Creating an Accurate Job Description

Your job advertisement needs to stand out to attract the right candidates.  When placing your advertisement, describe the job accurately and honestly  to ensure you attract candidates with the qualities and abilities that you’re  looking for.

Your advertisement should give a summary of the role, identify key areas of  responsibility, and describe the specific skills needed to succeed. It’s also  important not to “oversell” the position either, as you don’t want to be wasting  anyone’s time.

Mistake 2: Conducting a poor interview

Some recruiters will focus solely on the role and finding a person to fill a  vacancy, and this can lead to an interview that serves no purpose. Screening  candidates is vital, but it’s just as important to focus on the candidate as an  individual and know what they want from their employment. 

In the interview, ask candidates about their day-to-day role and the types of  projects they like to work on. This can give you great insights into what they’re  looking for and whether they’d be a good fit for the position. Finding out

what their priorities are will help define whether they are not only suitable for  the role but will fit into the workplace and enjoy the experience of working for  you.

Mistake 3: Hiring someone who is unqualified

During the interview process, some people will present better than others,  which could can down to confidence and presentation skills during the  interview. Unfortunately, this could lead to hiring the wrong person simply  because they stood out in the interview. 

Be sure to do your research. Follow up with references, look at a person’s  LinkedIn and social activity, and re-interview if you need to. It is worth  extending the interviewing stage to be sure you’re getting the right person,  rather than hiring the wrong person and having to go through the process  again.

Mistake 4: Lack of vision

Business owners often complain that standard recruitment agencies have  tunnel vision. They only recruit to the role they have been given. They do not  take the time to understand the overall operation of the business and it’s  overarching resource needs now and into the future.

In short, they lack VISION!

This is where ExecuHub is vastly different. Their unique service is to absorb  every aspect of the organisation, recognise what the company needs to  grow and provide foresight for the future.

Need help growing your team?

Execuhub delivers a worry-free, cost-effective, and uniquely tailored staff  management service; and can assist you in recruiting, training, onboarding,  and managing staff.

Talk to one of Execuhub’s outsourcing solutions specialists today on 1300 152  712 or visit Simply send a contact request through  the website and we will get in touch to discuss your needs.

Consult an ExecuHub expert for complementary, one-on-one help.

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